Have you just started menopause and already finding the hot flashes challenging, not to mention sleep? Acupuncture can work wonders for women suffering from menopausal symptoms.
Menopause generally occurs around the age of 50 when the body's level of estrogen and progesterone decline and menstruation ceases. It can be accompanied by some of the following symptoms:
Hot flashes
Restless sleep
Irritability, mood changes
Weight gain - particularly around the belly
Dry skin
Greying of hair
In Chinese medicine terms, menopause is a transitionary process, where the blood, energy and Yin (Chinese term for fluids), begin to decrease and the vessels that are flush with blood for conception and vitality begin to decrease. Menopause is unique to each woman and each woman will have their own experience to signs and symptoms and how best to manage it. Acupuncture treatments for menopause have ben used for thousands of years, providing sustained relief from symptoms and also supporting the declining Yin, hormonal shifts that are taking place. In addition to acupuncture, Chinese herbs and dietary adjustments also provide relief.
If you are suffering from menopausal symptoms and prefer a natural and whole body approach to treatment, call Best Acupuncture to find out how we can assist you.
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