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At Best Acupuncture, we pride ourselves on the lasting, long-term relationships we build with our clients. We do this by providing personalized care that is always delivered in a kind and professional manner. See what some of our patients had to say about their experience at Best Acupuncture.


Parathyroid Disease

*”Four years ago I was diagnosed with parathyroid disease. Due to this problem, I was left with little energy, my hormones were out of sync, I had trouble concentrating and had problems with my memory. I ended up having surgery in which three of my four glands were removed. In an effort to get my life back, it was suggested that I seek treatment from an acupuncturist. After just a few treatments at Best Acupuncture, I could notice a significant improvement in my symptoms. My memory improved, my energy levels were notably increased, and I began to show interest in doing things with others. Due to my overall improvements in health, I have recommended Best Acupuncture to others who have taken my advice and have responded positively. If someone were to ask me if acupuncture treatments were recommended, I would respond with a very positive reply and the with the opinion that it gave me my life back.”


– David Johnson


Lower Leg Pain

*”I have to admit that I was skeptical until my wife tried this place for not only hives but also diabetes and she received very good care and good results so I thought what the heck. I gave it a try myself and was very pleased with the outcome for my problem which was difficulty walking without pain in my right lower leg. However, I still had to undergo vein surgery to completely get rid of the pain afterwards, but as far as this place is concerned these are the best people and they really do care about their patients. Deleon my hat is off to you sir and may you and your business do very well. All staff members I had encounters with were very professional and had my best interests in mind when working with me. I am now a firm believer that acupuncture does have a place in medicine that should not be overlooked. Thank you to the entire staff team.”


– Pat Varljen


Back Pain

*”Before coming to Best Acupuncture, I had fear of pain from the acupuncture needles and was skeptical if acupuncture would really work for my severe back pain. My improvements have been a complete elimination of my back pain. I feel healthier, happier and more comfortable in my own skin. Deleon Best is fantastic. I can’t say enough about him as a human being and a healthcare professional! I am thrilled with the care I received and the high level of integrity from the office staff at Best Acupuncture. I am grateful for all Best Acupuncture has done for me.”


– G.S.


Back & Hip Pain

*”When I first came to Best Acupuncture in August 2009, I was in severe pain in my right hip and back. I had been dealing with the pain for nine months. I was on a lot of pain medicine as well as other kinds of medicine. I was not in good health. I was unable to get out and do the things I longed to do. I was stuck at home, in pain, on lots of medication, and no real relief from medical doctors. Seven months later the severe pain has been eliminated. When I first came to Deleon, I was on at least seven medications full time and several occasionally as needed. Now I am only on one medication daily and two as needed. I have the energy to enjoy life again. I have been able to put my energy into improving my relationship with my husband. I have even lost some weight by following the guidelines of good nutrition set for me by the staff at Best Acupuncture. I would encourage anyone to go to Best Acupuncture and try it. Deleon and his staff are such caring, knowledgeable professionals. They have really helped me both physically and mentally with their expertise and encouraging words. I am a much healthier and happier person. I look forward to continuing my treatments as Deleon and his staff help me continue to improve my health and well-being.”


– Alisa Pelz



*”In the spring of 2010, I was told I had high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I have been very healthy and active all my life and did not want to go on medication, but knew I had to do something immediately. My daughter had done some research and found Best Acupuncture on the internet. She tried them with great success for a skin allergy she had. Upon hearing of my dilemma she suggested that I try acupuncture.


Initially, my fears were pain from needles being placed in places that seemed sensitive to me as well as wondering if it would really work. I knew I needed results quickly and didn’t want to waste time and money unless it was going to work. My daughter assured me that her experience was successful, Best Acupuncture was professional, and the staff was highly qualified. She felt I would be happy with this choice.


I found Best Acupuncture to be everything she said and more. I have been going twice a week for six months and cannot be more pleased with the results. I was not only treated but educated in a peaceful, nurturing atmosphere. I look forward to treatments and that has never been the case with doctors of western medicine.

Deleon Best gave me a diet to naturally bring down my blood pressure and cholesterol and I followed it very closely during my six months there. The treatments were totally pain-free and relaxing with meditation music and water fountains as a background. I experience a lot of anxiety where needles are concerned but Deleon Best is so skilled that I do not feel them. I look forward to the time to relax and let my mind find a quiet place. I was also invited to take a nutrition class which I found most helpful, especially since the diet I was on was fairly restrictive and incorporated foods I wasn’t accustomed to eating.


Six months later my blood pressure and cholesterol are well within a normal range. I have lost 17 pounds and about 4 inches around my waist. I feel full of energy, sleep better, and generally feel healthier than I have in years.


My level of satisfaction is the highest it could be and I would recommend Best Acupuncture to anyone for any ailment. I feel Deleon and his staff are highly trained, caring and take a personal interest in all their patients.”


– Donna, Huntersville



*”When I came to Best Acupuncture my Fibromyalgia was so painful that I nearly wanted to cry every day. I had extreme pain in my joints, legs, arms, and back. It was just as if I had the flu every day and especially at night. I was waking up 8 to 10 times a night, and that was on pain medication. I knew acupuncture had been around for 5,000 years, so it must work. My fear was that the needles would hurt. No problem, I do not feel them. Since treatment, my pain has so lessened that I take very little pain meds, maybe 1 a day or night. I can go outside in a snow storm and play with my granddaughter, cold fronts and heat used to make me miserable. Now, I hardly notice whether. I feel like I have my life back. I would tell people considering treatment at Best Acupuncture, do not take that pain one more day. There is help with Fibromyalgia pain beyond pain medications. Deleon is the “Best!” He is so kind, patient, gentle and education. The staff are my favorite people. They are genuinely caring people, who call you when you’re sick to check on you. Deleon is a “young warrior” fighting pain one client at a time.”


– Starr Allan


Leg Pain

*”After thirty-five years of working in a manufacturing environment, I had severe pain in my lower left leg. My quality of life has improved tremendously. I can now enjoy activities with my family pain-free. The staff at Best Acupuncture are very professional. Deleon explains his treatments and the outcomes one can expect to the body. I am highly satisfied with the care provided to me. The pain I was in when I first started compared to today has been a 100% turn around.”




High Blood Pressure

*”I came to Best Acupuncture for high blood pressure because I did not want to go on medication. I also had issues with anxiety, neck pain, and eye pressure. My blood pressure is down – a lot! My eye pressure is down – a lot! I am so happy and feel so calm. I can’t tell you how wonderful this journey is! I have already referred friends and family to Best Acupuncture. They were the first to notice how calm and relaxed I am.”


– Female, Age 49


Joint Pain & Headaches

*”Prior to treatment, I was a skeptic and couldn’t believe acupuncture would allow me to avoid shoulder replacement surgery. I had also tried everything for headaches but nothing ever provided me relief. Now, I can once again play golf, walk with my arm around my husband and sleep through the night. I feel years younger and eager to participate once again in the things I enjoy. I would tell anyone considering treatment at Best Acupuncture, Give this a chance. All of a sudden, you realize you don’t hurt any more or you have more energy and you want to do more. I am much more than pleased with my results. My husband has seen such a change that he is now a patient too!”


– Linda Angele



*”I have had migraines for the past 10 years. I have not had a migraine since I started treatments with Deleon. I was getting them at least once a month and even had a series of cluster migraines. I am very satisfied with the care provided by Best Acupuncture. Never in a million years would I have thought acupuncture could work for me. I can’t thank Deleon and his staff enough for allowing me to be in their care! They are a great staff who really want to help!”


– Rochelle R.



*”I came to Best Acupuncture for the onset and ailments of menopause. My improvements have been fewer symptoms and even improvements on other issues like my acid reflex which is nearly gone. My overall level of satisfaction with the care provided by Best Acupuncture is, Fantastic. They are all kind, caring and friendly.”


– Angela


Multiple Sclerosis

*”In November of 2006, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). As my MS began to get worse, I had to take heavy doses of IV steroids and take the three-time-per-week injection of interferon that slows MS. There is no cure for MS.


My psychologist gave me the best advice, go to Best Acupuncture to help control pain and fatigue. In the beginning, I was a bit hesitant about it. I went into the office of Deleon Best and his wonderful smile and gentle hand greeted me. I did not know what to expect. Deleon told me that in Chinese medicine, they put one’s body in balance so the body can heal itself.


The acupuncture has been indispensable to me. Before I started my treatments, I sometimes felt like a train ran over me, and even on good days, I would experience daily pain and soreness. Acupuncture has made me feel like a normal person. Since I have been going to Best Acupuncture, I have not had an exacerbation with my MS. Deleon said “We do not cure MS, but we may be able to help put it in remission so that you can have a normal life.’ I have been with Best Acupuncture for the last year, and I feel great. I also decided to have Deleon treat my thirteen-year-old-child, Daniel, who suffered from bad seasonal allergies for about two years. Daniel now has little problem with allergies.


Deleon is wonderful and intelligent; so full of wisdom and knowledge. Best Acupuncture is a place that I want my whole family to come to so we can stay healthy and happy, without medications, for many years to come. Thank you to Best Acupuncture for your life-changing help.”

– Edna Wyatt, Age 39



*”I came to Best Acupuncture with constant unbearable pain in my feet from arthritis and neuropathy. Several foot surgeries did not solve the problem. My doctors offered no hope and no help except for drugs that made me sicker and unable to function. People told me that as a woman in her seventies, I should accept this and learn to live with the pain. I had a problem with all of these ideas. Acupuncture got rid of the pain, my insomnia, my high blood pressure, helped me learn a healthier way of eating, gave me hope for a better life and gave me another option besides doctors and pharmaceuticals.”


– Betsy Hampton


Rheumatoid Arthritis

*”The conditions that brought me to Best Acupuncture were numerous. I was diagnosed with at least three auto-immune diseases including Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, and Sjogren’s Syndrome. I was seeing four specialists on a very regular basis at least once a week. I had been hospitalized every year for Pneumonia and recurring Bronchitis. During the winter of 2006, I was hospitalized five times. I was experiencing extreme inflammation, achiness, bone and joint pain, and difficulty breathing. When I came to Best Acupuncture, I was on potent medications for inflammation and pain. I was taking more than twenty pills and supplements a day just to maintain some kind of lifestyle, although one that wasn’t very active at all – just basically working and living. Two years ago, I started coming to Best Acupuncture on the advice of a friend. I had never experienced acupuncture before and didn’t know what to expect. Deleon explained everything to me and I was amazed the needles didn’t hurt at all.


My improvements have been many. I am currently not on any potent medications on a regular basis. I only see my family doctor when I need too (very infrequently) and feel much BETTER! I am much more active – boating, riding my bike, walking, and just being able to do things easier. The other great aspect of Best Acupuncture is that they taught me how to create a different experience for myself with diet, exercise and relaxation breathing. I now have tools other than drugs to help me with my challenges. I have learned breathing techniques to help me actually breathe correctly. I have lost weight, sleep better, relax and eat better than I ever have in my life. My joints, bones, and muscles don’t constantly hurt me on a daily basis anymore. And if they do, usually brought on by my own experiences, I know what and how to do the techniques that will help! I absolutely recommend Best Acupuncture to my friends and clients. I really think Deleon and his team are gifts to us, to help promote healing and wellness through Eastern Medicine.”


– Linda Thunberg


Skin Conditions

*”I came to Best Acupuncture for flat warts on my legs. I had been going to a dermatologist for one year as warts kept spreading. I could not remove the hair from my legs, which forced me to wear only long pants and no bathing suits during the summer. Not only are my warts completely gone, I am able to shave, wax, wear shorts, etc. I am also sleeping better, feeling better, feeling less stressed, have a clear mind and have settled my digestive problems.”


– Female, Age 27


Spinal Stenosis

*”I came to Best Acupuncture for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. I had debilitating pain in my lower back, buttocks, hip area and lower right leg. I had no response from previous epidural injections or physical therapy. My improvements with acupuncture have been much less pain. I am now able to bounce back much quicker if do over do it. I am able to walk longer. The office is very quiet and has a gentle atmosphere which adds to Deleon’s quick and painless insertions of the needles – amazing! I am so pleased with my progress. I did not think it was possible! The staff is great and very helpful.”


– Joanne L.


Stop Smoking

*”My wife went to Best Acupuncture to try to get relief from severe shoulder pain. After several months of treatments, her pain subsided and she has remained pain-free. I was encouraged by her success and went to Best Acupuncture to help me quit smoking.


I had quit several times over the years and knew the first several weeks after quitting were the most difficult. Nicotine withdrawal is unpleasant to say the least. To my surprise, the treatment protocol after my quit date eliminated, yes eliminated, the cravings that usually occur during withdrawal. I was thrilled and have remained smoke-free for over 8 months. My family is delighted with my success at kicking the habit. Acupuncture made the process relatively easy.


As part of the total health evaluation, I was able to communicate to Deleon and Eddie all of my physical complaints…tendinitis in right elbow, bursitis in both shoulders and other range of motion issues. In addition, they helped me understand how a number of my health issues could also be improved by acupuncture treatments. Over the ensuing months and re-exams, I was able to see the dramatic improvement in my overall health and physical conditioning.


I am totally convinced of the effectiveness of acupuncture treatments and plan to continue periodic treatments in a maintenance mode. I have recommended acupuncture treatments to a number of my friends and will continue to do so.”


– Ray Angele


Back Pain & Painkiller Side Effects

*”I wanted to thank you for helping me with my back injury. On Sunday, August 21, 2017 I sustained a pretty severe compression fracture of one of my vertebrae. I spent the evening and early morning hours in the emergency room in severe pain. I was released from the ER with a clamshell back brace and a bottle of pain killers with instructions to schedule an appointment with an Orthopedic Surgeon. That appointment was scheduled for Tuesday, August 23. After x-rays and a consultation with the surgeon, I was informed that I did not need surgery, but the recovery process could take up to a year.


In the mean time I should continue using the pain killers to manage the horrible pain. I called your office when I got home and scheduled a treatment for Wednesday. My complaints were constipation caused by the pain killers and severe pain in my spine at the point of the injury. We talked for a while and you stated that you could help to cut the recovery time substantially. You treated me that day and within a few hours the constipation had been alleviated and the back pain was not as severe. It had subsided enough that I didn’t need to take any of the pain killers and switched to exclusively ibuprofen. We came up with a treatment plan that included 2-3 treatments each week for two weeks and then dropped them to 1-2 per week after that. After my second treatment I was able to stop taking the ibuprofen and the back pain was gone.


At my next appointment with the surgeon, I told him about using acupuncture in my treatment plan. I also let him know that I had not taken any type of pain killer since my second acupuncture treatment. He viewed this statement with skepticism but said that he didn’t see how acupuncture would cause any further problems. At six weeks the surgeon was surprised at how well I was feeling. He still urged caution but was pleased with my recovery. At 10 weeks he said that I could remove the brace at night when I was in bed. This was 2 weeks earlier than expected. At 16 weeks he said that I could stop wearing the brace altogether. This didn’t normally happen until 26-32 weeks.


On January 14, 2018 I went in for another checkup. He did x-rays again to check the progress. He was a little surprised to see that the fracture was healed. He warned me that it could be a year until the vertebrae was completely healed but that I looked like I didn’t need to come back to see him unless I had pain or concerns about my back. He released me to return to work with a lifting limit of 5#. I was astonished that he was allowing me to return to work a full eight month earlier than he originally estimated. I credit you and your treatments with my light speed recovery. Thank you for getting me back on me feet.”

– Mike Flock


**Please note that there is no guarantee of results and individual results may vary.**

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