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Acupuncture for Winter Health and Wellness

Why wait until you are sniffling, sneezing or coughing?  You can easily PREVENT the common cold using acupuncture to head it off at the pass!

Our bodies don’t always adapt well to sudden fluctuations in temperature, and we are traditionally more vulnerable to catching colds during change of season. This, combined with the busyness and stress of the holiday season, calls for some extra help to boost the immune system. Acupuncture is the best way available to do this as it naturally drives up function in your body.

Using acupuncture for wellness and prevention is like going to the gym or to a fitness class:  the needles help to condition your body to run more efficiently. We all know that doing 1 workout or 1 acupuncture treatment, will not change much of anything, however, a steady routine of wellness or maintenance treatments, repeated over time, will keep you in a state of optimal health.

If you take the time and energy to give this gift to your body, it will pay off in ways you cannot imagine. You will be able to stay well when everyone else around you is getting sick.

And if you do happen to get caught off guard and the cold sets in, we can also help you to move it through and out of your system FASTER, using our medicine.

This Winter, let acupuncture help you to stay balanced and feel good!


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